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Kashrut must always be administered from the top down by those of impeccable integrity & piety.
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Telsner Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Telsner resigns as head rabbi from the Rabbinical Council of Victoria. A call for Rabbi Telsner to resign after his testimony at the Royal Commission inquiry into the child sex abuse scandal where he did nothing to protect child sex abuse victims along with giving sermons that actually encouraged harassment, bullying and ostracization of victims who reported abuse to the police. This rabbi was also involved in Kosher certification. Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant resigned from president from the Organization of Rabbis of Australia; also as an executive member of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) and as the Jewish Care Victoria general manager of cultural and spiritual services. It was also announced that his service as chaplain at the Victoria Police has been terminated. This rabbi was also involved in Kosher certification. A similar situation to Rabbi Telsner above; The father of the abused children testified that he and his family were ostracized and bullied by religious leaders after speaking out about the abuse of his sons at the Yeshiva and wanted to know why Rabbi Kluwgant was ignoring it. The father testified that: “Rabbi Kluwgant has been one of the leading forces behind the horrific intimidation campaign against me and my family.” “Rabbi Kluwgant must resign or be sacked immediately from every leadership position he currently holds. He is not fit to lead.”
Is the CRC a valid Kosher supervision organization? Details below.
FACT – Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz is the head of the CRC. He has been in charge of  the CRC since 1991. He has the final word on everything that goes on at the CRC  including Kosher.  A)  FACT – (#1) The Rabbinical Court of Shar Hamishpot / 17 Mosier Court / Monsey /  NY 10952 / 800-713-8956 ruled on July 26, 2011 that Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz  issued a bogus seruv (contempt) as a means to try and embarrass the litigant. Under  Jewish law, someone who embarrasses someone falsely he himself is excommunicated  and we publicize his sin(s). The Rabbinical Court Beth Din Shar Hamishpot declares to  the world that Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz is malevolent, a liar, and deserves to be put  in excommunication. A copy of the official Beth Din document can be found at:   B)  FACT – The Rabbinical Court Bais Din Hagodol Shomrey Mishpot International /  Staten Island / NY 10314 / 718-737-2422 ruled in 2013 that Rabbi Gedalia Dov  Schwartz issued a seruv (contempt) without merit and deemed his seruv both null and  void. A copy of the official Beth Din document can be found at:   C)  FACT – The American Beth Din / Overland Park / KS 66283 summoned Rabbi  Gedalia Dov Schwartz to their Beth Din. Schwartz failed to appear nor gave any reason  why he is not appearing. The Beth Din thus declared Rabbi Schwartz a Mesarev Lavo  Ledin (one who declines to appear in front of a Beth Din) and declared that all future  Jewish decisions by Rabbi Schwartz are to be considered mevatel (invalid). A copy of  the official Beth Din document can be found at:   D)  FACT – (#2) The Rabbinical Court of Shar Hamishpot / 17 Mosier Court / Monsey /  NY 10952 / 800-713-8956 ruled that Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz issued a bogus seruv  (contempt) as a means to coerce and embarrass the litigant. Under Jewish law,  someone who embarrasses someone falsely he himself is excommunicated and we  publicize his sin(s). The Rabbinical Court Beth Din Shar Hamishpot declares to the  world that Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz is placed in both Niddui (ostracism – as a  person who does not respect the dignity and authority of the Beth Din) and Shamta (an  even more severe ban than Niddui). A copy of the official Beth Din document can be  found at:  E)  The What harm could there be in writing a bogus seruv? Nobody really gets hurt, do  they? What would happen if someone did get hurt or even killed? What if this caused  Rabbi(s) to go to jail or even murdered?   Either A), B), C), D), or E) above is enough to disqualify Rabbi Schwartz from working  on any Beth Din or being in charge of kosher supervision.   Read below about Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz’s involvement in the arrest and  convictions of FIVE Rabbi’s because of a bogus Seruv. Also see Jewish Press Article of  May 4, 2015 at:    Jewish Press Article Link  In October 2013, numerous Orthodox Jewish men and Orthodox Rabbi’s were arrested  in their home in a Federal Government ‘Sting’ operation directed at both rabbis and  others who participated in conspiracy to kidnap, attempted kidnapping, and torture,  designed to force husbands to divorce their wives, that has been going on for many  years. The FBI sting went forth as followed: A female undercover FBI agent contacted  ORA (Organization for the Resolution of Agunot) and asked its assistance. Believing  she was a Jewish Woman in need of a divorce (Agunah) and without any proof, ORA  sent her to The Beth Din of America. She then convinced The Beth Din of America  (again without any shred of proof) that she needed a seruv (contempt) against her  fictitious husband living at a fictitious address in Florida. The Beth Din of America was  happy to comply and sent the required three Hazmanot (summons). Obviously there  was no response as there was no real husband. A totally bogus seruv (contempt) was  then issued and signed by Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz. With this bogus seruv in  hand, the female undercover FBI agent then went to Rabbi Mendel Epstein who  requested $70,000 ($10K for the Rabbi and $60K for the thugs) for his kidnapping and  torture services. Rabbi Epstein took the job and the money.   The sting worked perfectly. On the night of October 9th, 2013 numerous orthodox Jewish  men and rabbi’s were arrested in a warehouse in Edison, New Jersey who had come  there to kidnap, assault and torture the fictitious husband until he would agree to give  his wife a divorce. Many of the below pleaded guilty and took a deal. A few, at the top of  the list pleaded not guilty and went to trial. They were found guilty.   Here are the names of the people involved: Rabbi Mendel Epstein – age 70 – Lakewood, NJ – Sentenced to 10 years Rabbi Martin Wolmark – age 57 – Monsey, NY – Sentenced to 38 months Rabbi Binyamin Stimler – age 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Sentenced to 39 months Rabbi Jay Goldstein – age 61 – Brooklyn, NY – Sentenced to 48 months Moshe Goldstein – age 32 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 48 months Avrohom Goldstein – age 36 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 45 months Simcha Bulmash – age 32 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 48 months David Hellman – age 33 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 44 months Sholom Shuchat – age 31 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to time served Ariel Potash – age 42 – Monsey, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 14 months There were a few Co-Conspirers that were listed in the legal complaint; listed only as  CC#1, CC#2, etc. We don’t know the names yet of these people.   All these above people will all go to prison due to the incompetency of ORA, The Beth  Din of America and Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz for signing off on a bogus seruv. For a  few of the people on this list due to their age, even a short’ish prison sentence is almost  a certain death sentence. Being an Orthodox Jewish inmate in a maximum security  prison is also almost a death sentence. Many people in maximum security prisons are  anti-Jewish. There are many Anti-Jewish prison gangs such as: Aryan Brotherhood,  KKK followers, Neo Nazis, White Supremacists, Aryan Nations, Skinheads, White Aryan  Resistance (WAR), National Alliance, Malitia Groups and others, that actually have a  higher population count in prison than out of prison. How long do you think an orthodox  Jew with his beard and  payot, wearing his yarmulke and Tzitzit will last in prison?   
Can a Kosher Validation organization be headed by someone who has been found guilty by three separate Beth Dins (Jewish Courts), especially when the majority of the violations involved issuing bogus religious documents? Very simply, the answer is no. Issuing Kosher Validation Certificates cannot be done by someone who has been found guilty of issuing bogus religious documents. Even if Schwartz is not the person who specifically signed each kosher certificate, being that he heads the organization,it is as if he did.  Sadly though, the staff/board at the CRC are now fully aware of Rabbi Schwartz’s wrongdoings and have decided to ‘overlook’ it. This is very serious as what else are they overlooking? In our opinion ANYTHING certified Kosher by the CRC is now invalid. 
Menachem Teitelbaum has accused the head of the Triangle-K kosher supervision organization Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag of threatening and beating him. Teitelbaum testified that Ralbag received between $25,000 and $30,000 for this assault as a means to assist in obtaining a GET (Jewish Divorce). Rabbi Mendel Epstein was found guilty of conspiracy to commit kidnapping. Rabbi Jay Goldstein convicted of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and attempted kidnapping. Rabbi Binyamin Stimler guilty of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and attempted kidnapping. During this trial Rabbi Ralbag testified in exchange for immunity. Hmmm…… Why would Ralbag need immunity? Ralbag was in trouble prior for making the statement: describing homosexuality as in inclination which “can be modified and healed.” Ralbag was temporarily relieved of his duties as chief rabbi of Amsterdam for that statement. This is a very serious accusation made against Rabbi Ralbag. At the current time, it is only at the stage of: “he said / she said”. We will be keeping our eye on Triangle-K.
One of the top Kosher Certification Organizations in Israel, Badatz Orot is now in trouble  and will likely close its door. Rabbi Ezra Sheinberg who oversaw the day-to-day  operations has been excommunicated and is in trouble with the law.  The Badatz Orot is a super ultra-orthodox Kosher Supervision Organization that went  above and beyond the states Israeli Chief Rabbinate for Kosher. The Badatz Orot is  known for its high end Ultra Kosher Supervision.   Rabbi Ezra Sheinberg, 46, who is the dean of a Jewish School (Orot HaAri Yeshiva)  that he established in 1999 and head of one of the largest and strictest Kosher  Certification Organization has been accused of rape and other sexual offenses. Rabbi  Sheinberg was arrested on July 2 at Ben-Gurion Airport when he was trying to flee the  country to Brazil.    To date, thirteen women have filed complaints against Sheinberg who they claim  committed sexual offenses including rape. Even while sitting in prison at the Tzalmon  Prison awaiting his trial, the guards and police officers have filed formal complaints  against Sheinberg as he was constantly cursing and intimidating them.   Just another dishonest crook Rabbi who took advantage of his title and lemming  followers.  
Alejandro Marconi Who is Alejandro Marconi. Well, you really can’t meet him as he never existed. But, the Beth Din of America including Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann (Director) and Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz (head of the CRC Kosher) both believe he existed. They even went so far as to send him certified letters (Hasmanahs) and even mailed him a warning; issuance of a contempt order and then finally sent this non-existent person a ‘Shtar Seruv’ signed by Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz. So who is Alejandro Marconi? In order to setup a sting against Rabbi Mendel Epstein and his kidnapper friends the FBI needed a woman to claim to be an Agunah and thus required a seruv against her husband. Where better to go than the pro-female Beth Din being The Beth Din of America in New York headed by Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz. Had this Beth Din done their due diligence and checked into this case they would have found out that it was just a sting to catch Rabbi Mendel Epstein and his cohorts. Being that they were all so anxious to believe this Agunah, they just moved forward, collected their fee and mailed this non-existent husband a seruv. What can we learn from this? That the most well-known Beth Din does not check its facts. That these two rabbis, Weissmann and Schwartz will process your paperwork even if you don’t have a husband. That numerous Rabbis and Jews are now in prison because of their lack of checking the facts. Rabbi Mendel Epstein – age 70 – Lakewood, NJ – Sentenced to 10 years Rabbi Martin Wolmark – age 57 – Monsey, NY – Sentenced to 38 months Rabbi Binyamin Stimler – age 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Sentenced to 39 months Rabbi Jay Goldstein – age 61 – Brooklyn, NY – Sentenced to 48 months Moshe Goldstein – age 32 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 48 months Avrohom Goldstein – age 36 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 45 months Simcha Bulmash – age 32 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 48 months David Hellman – age 33 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 44 months Sholom Shuchat – age 31 – Brooklyn, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to time served Ariel Potash – age 42 – Monsey, NY – pleaded guilty – Sentenced to 14 months Step one in every Beth Din case is to check identification. It is also as important to hear both sides of the story and not rule by only hearing one side of the case. Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz who also heads the CRC Kosher certification department in Chicago. How can anyone trust his kosher knowledge when he doesn’t check facts? Kosher requires numerous checking of facts and ingredients. Writing out bogus Jewish Court documents invalidates him to be in charge of Kosher certification that hands out Kosher certification documents. 